Harvest: now on iTunes

The world premiere recording of my trombone concerto, “Harvest,” as recorded by Joseph Alessi (principal trombonist for the New York Philharmonic) and the West Point Band (conducted by Timothy Holtan), is now available on iTunes.  Here’s the link.

This is the first recording that I’m releasing directly through iTunes. I must give a shout-out to the U.S. government for making the recording master public domain, which allows me (as the owner of the music copyright) to repackage the recording for iTunes.

I hope this will be only the first in a series of recordings that will eventually go to iTunes.  The others, though, will require clearance from the legal departments of various universities, so it may be a while.  (There’s a much longer blog entry coming soon about this process of “self-publishing” recordings.)

In the meantime, I hope you’ll pick up “Harvest,” my first iTunes release.  Joe Alessi and The West Point Band sound, well… earth-shattering.  Crank up those subwoofers.


Robyn says

I think it's interesting that the band records in their fatigues. . . as if they're heading into battle!

Sam says

That's actually just a rehearsal in our rehearsal room. We recorded the CD at the Lycian Centre in civvies.


Robyn - Sam is right. I didn't have a picture of the group in civvies during the session, because I spent the session backstage in the "booth" (that really wasn't a booth). The bottom picture is Alessi with the UT Wind Ensemble.

Really, these pictures are all lies.

Will Mego says

I'd be really very interested in your thoughts on the process of the self-publishing of recordings, so I hope it will be really long and detailed!

Robyn says

Oh. Well that makes more sense, since I've heard that a rehearsal with John in attendance IS a battle.

Hahaha. Just kidding. I haven't heard anything other than what you publish right here on your blog.

Civvies is a fun word to say, though. Civvies. Civvies. Civvies!!!!

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